The Lion King

Well it took a while for me to write this post but I finally got off my lazy butt and finis this. 😛 As I wrote in my post about In The Heights I was lucky and able to see two musicals during my visit in NY. The Lion King which I’ll tell more about Read More …

In The Heights

When I was in NY on vacation I saw two musicals, namely “The Lion King” and “In The Heights”. I’ll write a post about The Lion King another time. We (as in June, Jenny, Ana and me) bought tickets for Pamela as a surprise and b-day present. More info in my previous post: Vacation time, Read More …

London is Taté!!! And surprises …

Well last week wednesday, damn it’s almost a week ago O_o me, Marco, Jay & Dennis went to London to have a small midweek holiday. The original plan was to go to the MJ concert on the 24th but well … everyone knows what happened last month with the King of Pop so I’ll just Read More …