Handing in my Master Thesis …

Finally!!! Today’s the day that (in my eyes) I finished my study. 😀 I just got home from handing in my Master Thesis at the Erasmus University. When I got there there were still some things that needed to be done but thanks to the the nice and helpfull people at the Erasmus fot their Read More …

Passed FinBel1

As I said in my last post, the last two weeks I was studying for one exam. This was for me the most difficult courses during my study at the Erasmus. Finance is an interesting course but somehow I never managed to pass the exams up until yesterday. FinBel1 was the only course I still Read More …

The end is almost in sight …

After monts of work the end is finally getting in sight. The end of what you might ask, well let me tell you. I’m very close to finishing my Master Thesis and graduating from the Erasmus. If all goes well I can hand in my Thesis within the next few weeks. After that it’s time Read More …