Happy New Year aka 2010

To all that are reading my blog I want to wish you all an Happy New Year! May all the best come to you this year, but most of all I want to you you all the best in Love and Health! Eventhough it’s already 3rd of January. I just got back from my vacation in NY which was amazing in more ways than one. But I’ll be elaborating on that in my posts about my holiday in the States. For now once again, to all of my friends, family and collegues out there: Happy New Year and hope see you soon. Ciao, Guy

One Reply to “Happy New Year aka 2010”

  1. Hi Guy:

    My wife Mrs. Shama Chopra was on Northwest 253. I tried to get your e-mail but somehow missed this simple opportunity of commenting on your blog.

    Shama was part of a Documentary which was played on BBC and Discovery Channel. Here is teh link from you tube. It has 6 parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d6QqsvJYRc

    By the way what was your seat number and do you know any other passengers ? Google : Shama Chopra for more.

    Regards, Raman Chopra from Montreal.

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